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“The Associated Press reported that the House passed the legislation by a vote of 70-44, which means every Republican present voted for it and three Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with the GOP.” – Breitbart, March 16, 2023
“Cox, a Republican, signed the law which implements a de-licensing process, preventing clinics from obtaining new licenses after May 2. The law institutes a complete ban on abortion procedures at health clinics starting Jan. 1, 2024.” – Fox News, March 16, 2023
“Now more than ever, it is important that Congress recognize and support that the Second Amendment is an individual right and that the right to bear arms to defend oneself is an integral part of American society. With this bill, we are ensuring that the rights affirmed by the Supreme Court are part of the federal code – and preventing a future Supreme Court from reversing this decision.” – U.S. Senator South Carolina Lindsey Graham, March 16, 2023
“We applaud Sen. Risch and his colleagues for supporting these centers in carrying out their loving mission, including measures to ensure the safest and most welcoming environment for clients and workers in the face of pro-abortion hostility.” – Care Net, March 14, 2023
“The lawsuits address failures of the election administrator’s office, including voters being turned away from multiple polling locations due to numerous glitches, not enough paper ballots for over 120 voting centers despite millions of paper ballots available for distribution held in a warehouse. This is after Harris County spent $27 million on the 2020 election and a record $54 million on new voting machines for the 2022 election, and after its former elections administrator was forced to resign after at least 10,000 ballots weren’t counted in the 2022 primary election.” – Just the News, March 12, 2023
“All five board members voted unanimously to terminate the district’s relationship with ACU because of its religious beliefs on biblical marriage and sexuality even though no complaints had been made about an Arizona Christian student or alumnus.” – CBN News, March 10, 2023
“Protecting the rule of law is at the core of RITE’s mission, and that includes ensuring the franchise is not unlawfully extended to noncitizens. Americans broadly understand that noncitizen voting is a threat to our democracy. This principle is enshrined in Vermont’s constitution, which prohibits noncitizen voting in local elections from imposing burdens on citizens living in the rest of the state.” – Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections, March 9, 2023
“House Bill 152, known as the ‘Life is a Human Right Act,’ includes language clarifying that abortion is not healthcare but rather the “intentional termination of the life of an unborn baby,” which is a human and should therefore have the rights of a human.” – Catholic News Agency, March 9, 2023
“Under the bill, a federal employee cannot use their ‘official authority to censor any private entity, including outside of normal duty hours and while such employee is away from the employee’s normal duty post.'” – Just the News, March 9, 2023