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“‘Americans like combustion engine cars because they are reliable and inexpensive,’ he told The Center Square. ‘Banning them will not make EVs better, it will just make Americans less free. I haven’t seen Biden or any cabinet member drive around DC in an EV. Maybe they should lead by example rather than force Americans to obey regulations they conveniently ignore.'” – Just the News, May 23, 2023
“As if his crushing inflation wasn’t enough, the Biden Administration is trying to cram more rules and more regulations down the throats of hardworking Americans. Small business is the backbone of our economy — it is in America’s best interest to foster its growth, not burden main street entrepreneurs with costly regulations.” – Breitbart, May 16, 2023
“The government and large credit card companies should not have the power to shut off access to your hard-earned money because they disagree with your politics,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Biden’s Central Bank Digital Currency aims to increase government control over people’s finances, and we will not allow it. In Florida, we value personal freedom and won’t allow self-interested elites to chip away at our liberty.” – Ron DeSantis 46th Governor of Florida, May 12, 2023
“This year, 2023, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s literary and historical masterpiece which described brilliantly the inhuman “archipelago” of horrific concentration camps established by Lenin in the wake of the creation of the Soviet Union in 1918 and expanded and refined under Stalin and his successors.” – The Christian Post, May 12, 2023
“…even though it is not specifically mentioned in the First Amendment, the Supreme Court has identified a freedom of association that allows people to create groups and otherwise organize together.” – Freedom Forum, accessed May 11, 2023
“Big city or small town? Ph.D. or GED? It doesn’t matter, because the American Dream is for everyone—and there’s a new generation of young people who need to know about it. That’s why the Goldwater Institute created our new children’s book, ‘A Is for the American Dream.'” – Goldwater Institute, April 29, 2023
“While there is a process through which ‘Greater Idaho’ could happen, the likelihood of it happening remains low.” – KREM 2 (Idaho), April 28, 2023
“This is why I really appreciate [Sekulow] and the platform that you’re using to inform people about how critical it is that we see the world as it is and that we make reasonable, sensible decisions that really serve the best interests of the American people and our country, preserving our constitutional rights and freedoms.” – ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice, April 21, 2023
“Depending on which exact dataset you look at, Sweden ranks bottom or close to the bottom for overall excess deaths. This sure seems to vindicate the hands-off approach its policymakers took — and were absolutely excoriated over.” – The Washington Examiner, April 4, 2023