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“’Federalism is the ‘golden thread’ running through Canada’s constitution, which carefully calibrates the division of powers and serves to reconcile regional interests with national unity. Federalism fosters government accountability and democratic participation, and promotes pluralism, stability, and liberty,’ continued Van Geyn. ‘We are looking forward to providing the court submissions on how the IAA frustrates the purpose of federalism.’” – Canadian Constitution Foundation, November 11, 2022
“I ended up as an activist in a very different place from where I started. I thought that if we just redistributed resources, then we could solve every problem. I now know that’s not true.” – The Western Journal, October 26, 2022
“We hope that this book brings will expand your awareness about how our constitution can protect you from government overreach, and that the courts will continue to hear cases on federalism and decide these cases using a coherent federalism analysis that protect rather than erodes liberty.” – Canadian Constitution Foundation, October 24, 2022
“’Regardless of what the CDC in Washington says, nothing changes in Oklahoma and kids are not required to get a COVID vaccine to attend school,’ said Governor Stitt. ‘It’s up to parents to decide how to protect their child from viruses and as long as I am governor, we will never force kids to get a COVID vaccine to go to school.’” – Oklahoma Governor J. Kevin Stitt, October 20, 2022
“As a mission-driven company, we do everything with a purpose… As we considered available tickers, the history of rum as a symbol of freedom was the perfect match for Rumble.” – Rumble, September 19, 2022
“The complex was established to educate individuals on the principles that make America an exceptional nation, train and equip teachers, lawyers and the business community to articulate our nation’s founding principles and facilitate civil discourse among diverse groups on politics, public policy and our nation’s future.” – Houston Christian University, September 14, 2022
“It’s a violation of your human rights to be mandated to take this vaccine. If you want it, go get it, but being mandated to get it, we’re standing up against that. We think it’s wrong.” – Fox News, February 7, 2022
“Members of the Christian Employers Alliance go to great lengths to care for the health and wellness of their employees. These for-profit and nonprofit businesses also believe every person has the God-given right of conscience to do what’s in the best interest of themselves and their families. They believe it violates the dignity of their employees for the federal government to force them to accept the COVID-19 vaccine against their conscience.” – Christian Employers Alliance, November 5, 2021
“It was during this time that he wrote some of his most famous and enduring works, in particular “The History of Freedom in Antiquity” and “The History of Freedom in Christianity” (originally delivered as lectures in 1877 and published posthumously in 1907), the only parts of a projected magnum opus on “The History of Liberty.” Indeed, by this time Acton had developed one of his most enduring and important insights: Human history is essentially the story of individual liberty or, more precisely, man’s struggle for liberty.” – OLL Online Library of Liberty, January 31, 2023