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“The justices ruled 9-0 in favor of Minnesota woman Geraldine Tyler, 94, who had owed roughly $15,000 in property taxes, Reuters reported. In 2016, Hennepin County foreclosed on her home and sold it for $40,000 but kept the excess.” – Just the News, May 25, 2023
“Our economy is in free fall due to unsustainable fiscal policies. This trajectory must be addressed with fiscal reforms. Moreover, recent Treasury projections have reinforced the urgency of addressing the debt ceiling. The House has taken a responsible first step in coming to the table with their proposals.” – Breitbart, May 8, 2023
“These caps — as well as the new $6,500 homestead property tax exemption for Iowa seniors and $8,000 exemption for veterans — will mean Iowans pay a smaller share on the assessed value of their homes, farms or businesses in future years. As Iowa homeowners saw a 22% average growth in home value assessments this year, these measures will mean larger reductions in costs for taxpayers.” – Iowa Capital Dispatch, May 4, 2023
“The Tax Foundation pointed out that New Hampshire does not have taxes on wages or salaries but does have a tax on interest and dividend income. With tax year 2023, the state will begin phasing out dividend and interest taxes by 1% each year through 2027, when the taxes will be pulled entirely off the books.” – The Center Square, May 2, 2023
“Alaska, Florida, South Dakota, and Wyoming received perfect scores from the group since they have no individual income tax and no payroll taxes aside from the standard unemployment insurance payment. Nevada, New Hampshire Tennessee, Texas, and Washington were close behind.” – The Center Square, May 2, 2023
“With the largest tax cut in state history on the books, our state is on the move toward complete elimination of our personal income tax, while still helping all West Virginians save real money on their tax payments, and increase their take-home pay each month.” – Office of the Governor Jim Justice, April 18, 2023
“A report by University of Tennessee economist Don Bruce for the conservative Badger Institute estimated that, by moving to a 5.1% flat income tax, Wisconsin would see an estimated $7.2 billion increase in economic output and 24,000 new jobs.” – Wisconsin State Journal, April 18, 2023
“Mariano said some of the tax changes were meant to attract workers and encourage people already living and working in the state not to flee. ‘This whole competitiveness issue is real as we face challenges from states like North Carolina,’ he said.” – Fox News, April 11, 2023
“The package consists of more than twenty pieces of legislation that will increase domestic energy production, reduce regulatory burdens, and lower energy costs.” – Americans for Tax Reform, March 28, 2023