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“How do taxes in your state compare regionally and nationally? Facts and Figures, a resource we’ve provided to U.S. taxpayers and legislators since 1941, serves as a one-stop state tax data resource that compares all 50 states on over 40 measures of tax rates, collections, burdens, and more.” – Tax Foundation, March 23, 2023
“Ernst has continued to champion the Cost Openness and Spending Transparency (COST) Act, which would require every project supported with federal funds to include a price tag that is “easily available for taxpayers.” – Breitbart, March 14, 2023
“Last month, Republicans pitched three different proposals to address rising property taxes. One would have given state funds to school districts to help them pay off bonds and levies, which are funded by property taxes. Another proposed subsidizing residential property taxes using sales tax revenue. The third would have let the homeowner’s exemption, a property tax reduction program, rise with market values. House Bill 292 combined aspects of two of the previous proposals.” – East Idaho News, March 14, 2023
“Call it SwineCraft. Pigs were trained to play video games…with your tax dollars. More money was sunk into creating a giant underwater touchscreen that can be used to play games like Whack-a-Mole… for dolphins!” – Joni Ernst U.S. Senator Idaho, March 14, 2023
“It focuses on the bare essentials of food, meaning produce, some meats and dairy and not junk food, soft drinks and candy that some people might argue are groceries.” – Alabama Daily News, March 14, 2023
“(2Q-2022) States without an income tax led the Southeast and Arkansas’ border region in jobs creation in the first two years of the national economic expansion that began in April 2020, Bureau of Labor Statistics records show.” – Arkansas Policy Foundation, accessed March 11, 2023
“The House Appropriations and Budget Committee unanimously approved a bill to eliminate the state portion of the sales tax on groceries, which would effectively cut the cost of food and food ingredients at Oklahoma stores by 4.5%. The panel also cleared two separate proposals for reducing personal income tax rates — one that would cut the top rate by one-quarter of a percentage point and another that would cut the top rate by one-half of a percentage point.” – The Oklahoman, March 2, 2023
“And, he said, Iowa needs to keep cutting taxes to compete with other states that are also lowering their own rates. ‘We can’t be complacent,’ he said. ‘We must continue to ensure we have a competitive tax code here in this state.'” – Des Moines Register, March 2, 2023
“Under his legislation, any formal presidential request to Congress for raising the debt ceiling would have to be accompanied by a proposal to reduce spending by the same amount over a 10-year period.” – Fox News, March 1, 2023