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“The innovations woven into the Columbia-class submarines are numerous, perhaps the most significant of which is the way it is built with a new, ultra-quiet electric drive propulsion system replacing legacy hydraulic systems. Among other things, this means that Columbia-class submarines will be much harder to detect than existing Ohios and therefore be better positioned for clandestine strategic deterrence missions.” – Warrior Maven, March 20, 2023
“Describing the DOD’s policy as both ‘unlawful’ and ‘immoral,’ she noted that Congress ‘has been clear’ that the longstanding bipartisan Hyde Amendment ‘protects taxpayers from being forced to fund abortions.’” – Breitbart, March 16, 2023
“The Red Flag exercise is intended to strengthen the operational cooperation between the two militaries as key partners committed to maintaining security in the Middle East. It is widely viewed as preparation for a possible Israeli raid on Iranian nuclear sites.” – All Israel News, March 12, 2023
“Critical race theory (CRT) is a poisonous ideology that seeks to divide Americans based on their skin color, and it must be ripped out, root and branch, from our institutions. CRT should have no place in American life and certainly shouldn’t be promoted using American tax dollars.” – Congressman Dan Bishop Serving North Carolina’s Eighth District, February 28, 2023
“Destroyers with a chaplain onboard average 31 counseling sessions per month, compared to just three per month for those without chaplains, demonstrating that chaplains are ‘a resource that sailors want to utilize.’” – Stars and Stripes, February 27, 2023
“The Clovis community is taking action to educate the next generation about the service and sacrifice of military service members.” – ABC 30 Action News (California), February 22, 2023
“The Center for Military History and Grand Strategy is committed to the study and teaching of military history and the principal themes of strategy and national security. Through its curriculum, scholarly publications, and public events, it seeks to promote sound historical scholarship, engaged citizens, and prudent leadership.” – Hillsdale College, February 20, 2023
“The five-week exercise also focuses on advanced marksmanship, amphibious reconnaissance, fire and maneuver assaults, logistics and medical support, and fire support operations, such as mortars, artillery and close-air support.” – U.S. Naval Institute News, February 19, 2023
“Watching a recruit come from pretty much nowhere,” said Mullen. “When I say nowhere, I mean they really haven’t had very much family support. Just to see them succeed in boot camp—that’s something that’s really a great honor.” – The Flagship, February 16, 2023