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“Founded in 1991, the organization reports on its website that a historic food shortage is taking place in North Korea due to the pandemic and some of the country’s worst droughts in decades. People are desperate for food, but Christians are also requesting something else. They want Bibles even though they could be arrested or killed for owning one.” – CBN News, May 26, 2023
“When Ellison announced to the church that he and his family would be going to South Asia to serve as missionaries, one of the church leaders asked, ‘Are you sure you should do this? Why would you want to leave 1,000 people and go to the other side of the world?’ Ken responded, ‘My desire is to obey God.’ All their lives the Ellisons have felt like John Wesley who once said, ‘The world is my parish.’” – The Christian Index, May 25, 2023
“John Mann Nielson passed away 28 April 2023 at the age of 79. He served as a pastor, missionary, educator, and administrator, including as president of Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary and director of Ministerial Development for the Church of the Nazarene’s International Headquarters.” – Church of the Nazarene, May 25, 2023
“Calvin (1924–2000) and Marian (1924-2005) Olson were both single missionaries to East Pakistan and India when they met in 1954. Their friendship soon led to a marriage and ministry that lasted 44 years, through catastrophic natural disasters, deathly illnesses, a civil war, and the loss of their only child. Their steadfastness, despite obstacles, left a legacy of a thriving national church in the largest city of the nation of Bangladesh.” – Assemblies of God, May 25, 2023
“Meeting with Heart for Lebanon’s team encouraged Frenge. The God these believers prayed to filled her heart with peace. Through Christ, Frenge found a strength she didn’t know existed. ‘Frenge is now a believer. She is devoted in her attendance and participation in Bible studies,’ Melki says.” – Mission News Network, May 22, 2023
“’Church members willingly invest in this, and we hope to care for the future pastors of Armenia,’ Vardanyan said. ‘We can happily state that the aim of the district of Armenia is to develop into the missions ministry and have missionary disciples who will serve not only in Armenia but also in places where the gospel has not been preached yet.’” – Church of the Nazarene, May 20, 2023
“Or consider one African pastor who met regularly with the president of his nation for Bible study and prayer. The president enlisted the pastor as a close advisor to help him wrestle through how to apply biblical principles in matters of state.” – Desiring God, May 20, 2023
“A family statement said: ‘We wish to express our thanks to God and all who have continued to pray for us. We express our relief that Dr Elliott is free and thank the Australian government and all who have been involved over time to secure his release.” – Sky News, May 19, 2023
“On this trip the team would accompany Empower One Director Chad Vandiver to accomplish three tasks:
- Casting a vision for what a future trip would look like for a full BCM student team during the summer
- Supporting current long-term missionaries with evangelizing
- Helping facilitate a discipleship conference.” – Florida Baptist Convention, May 11, 2023