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“The Civil War, which ended in the spring of 1865, claimed more lives than any conflict in U.S. history and required the establishment of the country’s first national cemeteries. By the late 1860s, Americans in various towns and cities had begun holding springtime tributes to these countless fallen soldiers, decorating their graves with flowers and reciting prayers.” – History, accessed May 29, 2023
“During an appearance on “Fox & Friends” on Monday, Long shared how the painting, which took 14 days to complete, was a request from the store owner to show off the store’s patriotism.” – Fox News, May 15, 2023
“‘Conservatives are more likely to be patriotic and religious,’ he wrote. ‘They are more likely to be (happily) married and less likely to divorce. Religiosity, in turn, correlates with greater subjective and objective well-being. So does patriotism. So does marriage.'” – Fox News, March 13, 2023
“The SAR Education Center and Museum will house galleries and exhibits that highlight the ideals of our patriot ancestors and tell the story of the American Revolution on the world stage. To see the latest update on the plans for this once-in-a-lifetime project see the video below. Gifts of all levels have an impact, and there are still legacy naming opportunities available.” – SAR, accessed April 25, 2023
“We need government officials to participate in the fruitful upbringing of the next generation. The American people look up to our representatives, and we must elect individuals that will stand up for values like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and more.” – Fox News, April 13, 2023
“Henderson is looking into establishing programs at the post such helping feed homeless veterans, hosting craft fairs and re-establishing the school program where kids come to the post to do their homework with the help of veterans.” – American Legion, March 27, 2023
“The Clovis community is taking action to educate the next generation about the service and sacrifice of military service members.” – ABC 30 Action News (California), February 22, 2023
“This special day is one of the most beloved events by our community. The highlight of the service is a candle light ceremony, where students present a candle to honor the service of family members, living and deceased. Armed Forces veterans, active duty, and retired members are invited every year to participate in this ceremony with their students.” – StoneBridge School, February 21, 2023
“For many, owning a home in our great country is the American dream. 1776 Gastonia offers seniors, who have worked and sacrificed for the dream, to celebrate their accomplishments in a community that honors American values.” – Longview News-Journal (Texas), February 13, 2023