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“Most notably, Activision Blizzard is heavily involved in veteran and first responder assistance. With over a dozen donations, valued at over $5 million, to organizations that provide support, training, and placement for careers to veterans, Activision earns high marks on Civil-Safe Society and is one of the most pro-veteran companies in our database. Additional minor support STEM education programs also earn them points on education.” – 2nd Vote, September 22, 2022
“The documents both define patriotism similarly, as preserving the “good” of the country while correcting its flaws.” – Associated Press, September 12, 2022
“On September 13-15, we’re going to be serving 2,500 meals to about 220 different [first responder] stations across New York City as part of our Gary Sinise Foundation’s Serving Heroes program to honor the men and women who were lost on that terrible day and to salute and pay tribute to those who go out each and every day to protect our cities.” – Newsmax, September 9, 2022
“The audience that sees it will learn a lot about the ordinary, everyday Americans that went to war… They set their tools down, they set their work down, they raised their hands, and they went to war. You’ll learn that through the stories and the letters that are shared at ‘Expressions of America.’ You’ll learn about the entertainers; you’ll experience the music of the time, which lifts your spirits.” – Movieguide, September 2, 2022
“I was very patriotic, as most people in those days were, and I wanted to do something for the war effort… I convinced Mother that this was what I wanted to do. Even though Mother was very scared for me… she signed the papers allowing me to join the USO.” – Fox News, August 30, 2022
“He was so excited to go help a lot of other people to freedom and to safety.” – Fox News, August 26, 2022
“But complaints from conservative lawmakers, and an angry backlash from citizens around the country, played a role in getting them to reconsider, the Associated Press reported.” – World News Group, August 19, 2022
“America is the greatest country on earth, and we need to teach our children just that. Restoring Patriotism will teach our kids why we stand for the flag, why we honor our veterans, why America is exceptional, and much more.” – Moms for America, August 9, 2022
“I’ncluded on this list is the Betsy Ross flag. Now that’s fairly remarkable that the Betsy Ross flag, in the FBI’s indication, is indicative of militia violent extremism – because among other people who have been publicly alongside the Betsy Ross flag; we have President Barack Obama, who was sworn in directly underneath two Betsy Ross flags,’ Cruz told Wray. Cruz then reminded Wray that the Gadsden Flag can be currently found on Virginia license plates.” – Human Events, August 5, 2022