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“Photos from the Home of Champions Rodeo at the Carbon County Fairgrounds in Red Lodge (Montana) on Saturday, July 2.” – Billings Gazette, July 3, 2022
The words tell the biblically heroic story of Union soldiers marching to their death in the name of Christ to vanquish slavery:
As he died to make men holy
Let us die to make men free
His truth is marching on“I’m an American” is unabashedly patriotic in message and defiant in spirit. The single calls out the left’s attempts to destroy American institutions and to sow division — “I’m tired of people putting us down / It’s like they want a Civil War.” – Breitbart, July 1, 2022
“It was an opportunity to just … catch up with them. I’ve been following their story,” he said. “And when I saw them, I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh. We’ve got to spend time together’ … I’d like to sit down and really talk to them and honor them for their great sacrifice.” – Faithwire, June 24, 2022
“A lot of people have either lost faith in the American experiment or are questioning the role of America in the world,” he said. “From my perspective as an immigrant, I love America not because America is perfect – I don’t believe that – but I believe that America was founded on principles that are necessary for the flourishing of man.” – Fox News, June 9, 2022
“Turning Point Academy states that it intends to adhere to a number of “bedrock principles” in their education curriculum, including “To never waver from the truth and to teach self-government and liberty to students.” – PM, June 8, 2022
“Nicklay told Fox News Digital that the Fargo Memorial Honor Guard also has a rifle squad that fires during services. The empty casings are presented to the family of the deceased, along with a special funeral honors coin, if the deceased was a veteran from North Dakota. Nicklay gives the coin and the empty casings to the family and offers the condolences of the Fargo Memorial Honor Guard, which he said is an honor. “It’s just overwhelming,” Nicklay said of the process. “Especially to look them in the eye … It’s tough.”” – Fox News, May 30, 2022
“This country has given me everything. All I had to do was work for it. I didn’t have that opportunity in my country. Smart children in families without means in Nigeria are stuck. There is nothing they can do except for manual labor. Unless they are from rich families they have no hope. In America, there is hope. I love America. It is the best country. It is the smartest country in the world. You have opportunities. People are willing to help you if you work. It is up to you.” – RedState, April 5, 2022
dies September 20, 2021 – “Like other perceptive European observers of the U.S., including Alexis de Tocqueville, Codevilla understood American exceptionalism better than most and how important it is to protect that exceptionalism for future generations.” – The Heritage Foundation, September 30, 2021