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“Or consider one African pastor who met regularly with the president of his nation for Bible study and prayer. The president enlisted the pastor as a close advisor to help him wrestle through how to apply biblical principles in matters of state.” – Desiring God, May 20, 2023
“Converts from Islam to Christianity bear the brunt of religious freedom violations, carried out by the government in particular, which sees these Iranian Christians as an attempt by Western countries to undermine the Islamic regime. Leaders of Christian convert groups, as well as members of other denominational backgrounds who support them, have been arrested, prosecuted and received long prison sentences for ‘crimes against national security.’” – The Christian Post, May 17, 2023
“CSW is pleased to hear that these Christians have been released on bail, however we call for the outstanding charges against them to be dismissed. It is unacceptable that they were detained for nine months simply for providing Bible and music lessons to an ethnic minority community in a disadvantaged area in China.” – CSW Christian Solidarity Worldwide, May 10, 2023
“After a horrific and brutal attack left several members dead, this family somehow found the courage to hold on to their faith.” – Aleteia, January 20, 2023
“Resolved that churches ought to recognize the likely hostility their congregants will face, should they live publicly Christian lives and ought to support those congregants, particularly when they should come under persecution and pressure to move such practices into the private sphere…” – Bible Presbyterian Church General Synod, August 8, 2022