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“The signs of hope are everywhere. Last year the police estimated that 7,000 people attended the annual March for Life, almost double the estimates for the previous year. Anyone who has been on a March for Life can testify to the fact that there are lots of children, young adults and families taking part. This is not a dying cause.” – The Catholic Herald, May 26, 2023
“Rejecting the horrific practice, Jodie said she was resolved to fight for her daughter. ‘From that moment on, I stopped doing the ‘what ifs’ and just kept going,’ she said.” – Lifenews.com, May 25, 2023
“Trump said he and his team have done a lot of policy thinking since Roe was overturned and said he could embrace the creation of an adoption corps that would get parents pre-approved to adopt babies from women weighing whether or not to have an abortion. Tax breaks, he said, could create incentives for both the birth mother and prospective adoptive parents.” – Just the News, May 23, 2023
“Lawmakers in South Carolina are looking at their neighbors. They’re looking at my home state of Florida which passed a heartbeat law this year. They’re looking at North Carolina with a 12-week law. Even Virginia considered a 15-week law this year, and we hope to see them do that again.” – CBN, May 18, 2023
“Thanks to the faithful efforts of my predecessor over the last decade, this organization is well-poised to make real life-affirming change for our members and their patients. I am excited to build on the momentum we’ve gathered under Dr. Harrison’s leadership.” – AAPLOG American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, accessed May 17, 2023
“‘For years, California officials, in collaboration with Planned Parenthood, have unconstitutionally targeted faith-based organizations,’ he continued. ‘This is a significant victory for the churches we represent, the conscience rights of their members, and other religious organizations that shouldn’t be ordered by the government to violate some of their deepest faith convictions.'” – Fox News, May 17, 2023
“This includes using the FACE Act as a cover to disproportionately discriminate against pro-life activists who have violated the law as well as agencies turning a blind eye when pro-life pregnancy centers are damaged or destroyed by the abortion lobby.” – The Christian Post, May 17, 2023
“That’s three lives to celebrate, but she said even those don’t tell the whole story of the lives saved by the adoption aspect of the ministry. What they’ve seen happen numerous times is for a mother to decide adoption is a better option than abortion, then later — after they see the support Women’s Hope can offer them — decide to parent instead.” – The Alabama Baptist, May 16, 2023
“’You know, I don’t personally believe in exceptions. … And I’m not in favor of allowing abortions before six weeks, before there’s a heartbeat.’ But he thinks it’s the best bill they can get this election cycle.” – World News Group, May 16, 2023