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“I never imagined I was going to receive all this support,” Sofia said. “God is good. He takes care of my family. My baby girl is blessed. Thank you to everyone who made this possible for my family. I hope you can continue to bless and help other families like mine.” – Operation Blessing, May 11, 2023
“Strothoff’s team took her in, and she gave birth to her child — her third born during her addiction, though she had lost custody of her first two. While at Lioness and the Lamb, the mother devoted herself to Christ, graduated from the program, and regained parental rights to all her children. Today she lives with her three children in New York.” – AG Assemblies of God, May 10, 2023
“‘None of these accomplishments mean anything compared to the happiness I have found in my marriage and in starting a family,’ he said. ‘My confidence as a husband and father, and yes, even as a football player is rooted in my marriage with my wife.'” – Fox News, May 8, 2023
“Beyond abortion, Cotham has taken the lead in pushing Republican-backed measures to expand school choice and implement other conservative reforms to education.” – Fox News, May 5, 2023
“The visual representation will leave a lasting impression that will truly leave its audience choosing life over abortion. Truly the exhibit brings to life the womb in every stage of growth in the greatest type of visual perspective.” – Calvary Chapel Magazine, May 2, 2023
“And I would hope that by winning the hearts and minds of the American people, that we would have a different conversation about the culture of life and preserving life even better.” – Faithwire, May 2, 2023
“Dozens of pro-life advocates gathered outside the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield to rally against Senate Bill 1909 Wednesday (April 26). The bill would force pregnancy centers opposed to abortion to provide information to clients about the procedure and impose fines of up to $50,000 on centers for sharing what abortion advocates deem as “deceptive” information.” – Illinois Baptist, April 28, 2023
“The legislation he approved increases the tax credits available to pregnancy centers, establishes tax credits for expenses related to adopting children, creates a task force that will make recommendations regarding changes to state laws about adoption and foster care, separates the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services from the Mississippi Department of Human Services and creates a bill of rights for foster parents.” – The Christian Post, April 21, 2023
“The new law expands protections to unborn children, giving them full rights to life once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks of pregnancy. It also provides funding to help mothers across the state.” – Fox News, April 14, 2023