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“When another user argued that those Bible verses only, “deal with the foreknowledge of God,” Dungy explained that they actually reveal the miraculous development of the unborn child. “God is sovereign, we are not. But these verses deal with more than just the foreknowledge of us. They speak about God seeing us in the womb, working on us in the womb and knowing us in the womb,” he said.” – CBN, July 12, 2022
“CfaN says that includes reimbursement adoption application fees, relevant home studies, agency and placement fees, legal fees and court costs, immigration, immunization, and translation fees, transportation, meals, and lodging, as well as parent, child, and family adoption counseling.” – CBN News, July 10, 2022
“We need to vote with dollars now more than ever before. And frankly, if ever there was a time to carefully think about where you buy goods, where you work, where you seek health care, now is the time.” – CBN News, July 8, 2022
“As Senator Melissa Melendez and Senator Shannon Grove asked about the specific meaning and implications of the bill text, Wicks struggled to answer or didn’t answer at all. She constantly asked the attorneys and doctors from the bill’s sponsors, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, for help. But their long rambling answers didn’t clearly answer the questions either. After the hearing Senator Melendez tweeted, ‘AB 2223 is the worst bill I’ve seen. Ever.’ This was Melendez’s last Senate Health Committee hearing with term limits ending her 10-year legislative career. She went out with a bang.” – California Family Council, July 7, 2022
“The first and most important thing [the counselors] do is listen,” he said. “Listen and meet her where she is — ask her what the stressors are, what her pressures are — and then we help her help herself.” – Fox News, July 6,, 2022
“Earlier in the week, the county’s prosecuting attorney, Chris Becker, stated his intentions to enforce a 1931 Michigan law protecting all babies from abortion except to save the life of the mother. The 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade was the only thing preventing the law’s enforcement.” – World News Group, July 5, 2022
“Secular companies are paying the travel costs for employees to abort babies out-of state,” Buffer wrote in a Facebook post. “Today we are announcing that Buffer will pay the costs for our employees who birth babies. Employers: If you’d like to learn how you can provide these benefits to your employees, let us know. We have ready-to-use policies you can add to your employee handbooks,” the company continued.” – Fox Business, July 4, 2022
“The resolution, which 46 of Miller’s colleagues have co-signed, establishes that the “right to life” is one of the founding principles of the United States and that a right to terminate a pregnancy does not exist anywhere within the pages of the Constitution, whereas the rights of states do and “should be respected and supported.” – Fox News, July 1, 2022
“That year, the abortion numbers were higher than ever. In the fall, Bill Clinton won the presidential election. Forsythe and others knew they wouldn’t get a majority willing to reconsider Roe for years: “That was a very difficult time to persevere and continue to stay focused on the fight against Roe v. Wade.”” – World Magazine, June 30, 2022