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“By engaging in virtuous action, guided by faith, we can recover that which matters most in America and overcome the challenges which lie ahead. And ultimately, it is through God’s grace that we will have the resolve and the wisdom to do this.” – Community Pregnancy Clinics, March 25, 2022
“Senate Bill 1309 makes a simple change to the existing Idaho Heartbeat Law by adding a Texas-style private enforcement mechanism that allows family members of unlawfully aborted preborn babies to sue the abortionist who committed the crime. A sharp decline in the Texas abortion rate has been observed after a similar law in that state became effective and successfully withstood three challenges at the United States Supreme Court. For nearly seven months, Texas abortionists have voluntarily complied with the law and are no longer offering abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.” – Idaho Family Policy Center, March 23, 2022
“We pray for the women we are getting ready to help because we know God has them pre-selected. So, we have just been praying for them and that they’ll come to know him through the love they receive here.” – Fox 59 (Indiana), March 1, 2018
“There was a common theme running through each personal testimony shared at his celebration of life – Sol reflected Jesus in everything he did. He saw the ones who had been unseen by others, he made you feel like you were the only person in the world, and he loved everyone with the love of Christ. Perhaps this is because of his own family story, filled with so much suffering and hope.” – Care-Net, February 22, 2022
“Olp also commended BRAVE’s holistic approach to the litigation, as well as the abortion campaign, which included 127 appearances by 62 different individuals before the Brighton Planning Board and other town meetings, letters to 80 doctors with offices in the medical park, studies on the implications for law enforcement and traffic operations in the area, and six weekends of neighborhood door-knocking campaigns.” – Christian News Journal, January 25, 2022
“Since its founding, Show Hope has provided more than $34.5 million in Adoption Aid grants, impacting more than 7,900 children from 62 countries, including the U.S. In the past year, the nonprofit has also awarded more than $100,000 in Medical Care grants to 30 families who have adopted children with healthcare needs. Through its Pre+Post Adoption Support efforts, Show Hope has provided tools and resources for more than 110,000 families, individuals, and professionals to care for children with complex needs. And as of 2021, more than 22,500 students have been engaged through Show Hope’s Student Initiatives program.” – Christian News Journal, January 14, 2022
“Representative Cain has served as Operation Rescue’s Texas attorney and in 2016, obtained invoices that showed four Texas universities used state tax dollars to pay Planned Parenthood for fetal body parts harvested from aborted babies. These transactions allowed Planned Parenthood to profit financially at the tax payers’ expense.” – Operation Rescue, December 16, 2021
“Bob’s 2007 book, ‘Light from Lucas: Lessons in Faith from a Fragile Life,’ first shared with the world the heart-wrenching story of Lucas’ early days, transparently told, shining an insightful light on the nature of suffering, the character of God, and the value of every life.” – The Family Leader, December 8, 2021
“In 2020, Care Net’s network of more than 1,100 affiliates provided $74,546,025 in services to 456,588 clients – all while coping with a global pandemic. These services were made possible by 17,407 volunteers and 436,897 donors who continued to faithfully serve and support, despite the increased challenges of COVID-19.” – Care Net, September 9, 2021