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“But, she said, they also feel greater acceptance through faith-related employee resource groups, or ERGs, that are growing in prominence in Fortune 500 firms and smaller companies.” – Religion News Service, May 26, 2023
“The evangelist urged Christian organizations to prepare to defend themselves against the growing cancel culture in business, insurance, banking, and technology.” – CBN News, May 24, 2023
“He pointed to orders closing schools, restricting church services, mandating vaccines and prohibiting evictions. His broadside was aimed at local, state and federal officials — even his colleagues.” – AP News, May 19, 2023
“‘For years, California officials, in collaboration with Planned Parenthood, have unconstitutionally targeted faith-based organizations,’ he continued. ‘This is a significant victory for the churches we represent, the conscience rights of their members, and other religious organizations that shouldn’t be ordered by the government to violate some of their deepest faith convictions.'” – Fox News, May 17, 2023
“Fortunately, the First Amendment explicitly protects our clients’ free exercise of religion and the freedom of speech from such government overreach. Furthermore, the Establishment Clause forbids government from coercively imposing its new statist religious beliefs regarding human sexuality on our clients or from acting in such an aggressive and controlling manner towards religious institutions. California’s attempted hostile takeover of our places of worship will not stand.” – The National Center for Law & Policy, March 15, 2023
“The federal government had attempted to force the St. Francis Catholic hospital system Oklahoma to choose between losing its accreditation for Medicaid and Medicare or removing eternal flames from its chapels, which is central to their faith. The hospital system refused, citing their First Amendment rights and religious beliefs.” – Fox News, May 9, 2023
“Part of their values is… [to] ‘transform the culture with truth by promoting the Biblically-informed values that are foundational to Western civilization, including the centrality of family, traditional sexual morality, and lifelong marriage between one man and one woman.'” – Fox News, May 6, 2023
“Although the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case in 2019, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, supported by Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, dissented from the denial of certiorari, stating that New Jersey’s law appeared to violate the U.S. Constitution. They argued that excluding religious organizations from a general historic preservation grants program is ‘pure discrimination against religion.’” – The Christian Post, April 30, 2023
“Because the actions of the teacher were disrespectful, inappropriate, and embarrassing for the student who was simply quietly and peacefully engaging in constitutionally protected activity, we have requested that school officials meet with our client and the other students who witnessed the incident, publicly apologize for the teacher’s reprehensible actions, and provide the students necessary assurances regarding their First Amendment rights.” – ACLJ American Center for Law and Justice, April 20, 2023