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“Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) said it is fighting ‘tyranny and advancing the cause of liberty at schools where constitutional rights are currently threatened.’” – The Center Square, September 12, 2022
“The issue is that the town sought to condemn and take the property within just a few weeks of the Chabad acquiring it. That was after it had sat empty for three years, and had been marketed for sale for nearly two years.” – World Net Daily, September 10, 2022
“In his sermon, Randall explained to his young students, all of whom were aged 11 to 17, what the Church of England’s historical teachings are on marriage, sexuality and gender. He reminded them they are not required to embrace the claims of LGBTQ activists, and are entitled under English law to believe what they wish on such issues.” – Fox News, September 7, 2022
“I will never leave Mountjoy Prison if in leaving that prison I must violate my well-informed conscience, and my religious beliefs, and deny my God.” – New York Post, September 6, 2022
“Forcing employees to choose between their COVID vaccination and their job is wrong. The Biden administration is actively, egregiously undermining our national security and our First Amendment rights through these mandates. My colleagues and I refuse to stand idly by as religious liberty is threatened. I am proud to be on the front lines of the fight to protect the rights guaranteed by our Constitution.” – Ted Cruz U.S. Senator for Texas, September 6, 2022
“No court should force a religious organization to undermine its own faith and mission. If an activist group can use the courts to force Yeshiva University to sponsor an official club on campus that undermines the school’s own religious beliefs, there’s no telling what can happen to other religious organizations in America who rightly wish to be free from such coercion.” – Alliance Defending Freedom, September 2, 2022
“The Supreme Court, like Orwell, has long recognized the risk that compelled speech may ‘turn the writer, and every other kind of artist as well, into a minor official, working on themes handed down from above’”. – The Christian Institute, September 2, 2022
“Hittle’s attorneys’ 57-page brief filed with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday argues: ‘The City’s disproportionate response to Hittle’s attendance at the Summit provides further evidence of discrimination. The City listed attendance at the Summit as two of the four ‘most serious acts of misconduct’ that led to Hittle’s termination. Yet there were steps short of termination that the City could have taken to remedy this alleged misconduct.'” – CBN News, September 2, 2022
“No school district should ever force teachers to willfully deceive parents or engage in any speech that violates their deeply held religious beliefs.” – U.S. News & World Report, August 31, 2022