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“Religious schools will only be able to pass down the faith to the next generation if they can freely receive guidance from their churches on what their faith is. We are grateful the court recognized this healthy form of separation of church and state.” – Becket, August 31, 2022
“They are now concerned for how far state government will go to impose its views on the medical nonprofit, such as being forced to hire non-Christians and to be forced to use personal pronouns if employees and patients demand them. ‘So Christian Healthcare Centers filed this lawsuit to protect its ability to operate consistent with its beliefs,’ ADF attorney Bryan Neihart tells AFN, ‘because religious organizations should be free to operate and serve the community according to their beliefs.'” – American Family News, August 30, 2022
“Groff first began working for the USPS in 2012. When the post office decided to partner with Amazon in 2015, requiring mail carriers to deliver packages on Sundays, Groff requested and was granted a religious exemption. Groff would cover other shifts during the week and on Saturdays in exchange for being off on Sundays.” – Christian Headlines, August 24, 2022
“This document aims to present a general picture of the challenges and difficulties experienced by religious communities in the region, based primarily on data obtained through our reporting tool: Violent Incidents Database-VID.” – Observatory of Religious Freedom in Latin America, August 22, 2022
“The free exercise of religion recognized and protected by the First Amendment reflects the founding generation’s view that the duty one owes to the Creator is both prior to and higher than any duty owed to government.” – The Claremont Institute, March 13, 2020
“On behalf of the students at Grant Park Christian Academy in Tampa we filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration 16 days ago, and in that time, we are pleased to see the administration grant not only that Christian school’s request, but rightly honor the religious beliefs of every other religious school in the country by allowing them to continue operating according to the core tenets of their faith. While it shouldn’t have taken a federal lawsuit, at least now, all religious schools like Grant Park Christian Academy who rely on the USDA’s funding to serve nutritious meals to kids in need can continue this vital service in their communities.” – Alliance Defending Freedom, August 12, 2022
“The 11th Circuit also held in Chandler v. Siegelman that the First Amendment ‘does not require the elimination of private speech endorsing religion in public places,” nor does it “permit the state to confine religious speech to whispers or banish it to broom closets. If it did, the exercise of one’s religion would not be free at all.’” – First Liberty, August 12, 2022
“The government cannot possibly show that forcing private insurers to provide PrEP drugs, the HPV vaccine, and screenings and behavioral counseling for STDs and drug use free of charge is a policy of such overriding importance that it can trump religious-freedom objections.” – Catholic News Agency, August 11, 2022
“Resolved that churches ought to recognize the likely hostility their congregants will face, should they live publicly Christian lives and ought to support those congregants, particularly when they should come under persecution and pressure to move such practices into the private sphere…” – Bible Presbyterian Church General Synod, August 8, 2022