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“Catch up on the latest and most important religious freedom headlines around the web.” – First Liberty, March 10, 2023
“Belz added that no organization should be compelled to hire employees opposed to its core principles. ‘That would be a contradiction and expose the organization to accusations of hypocrisy. That is true across the board for all types of groups. For example, a parochial school should not be forced to employ an atheist as a teacher, and an animal shelter should not have to hire an adoption facilitator who hates dogs.’” – LifeSite, February 28, 2023
“College of the Ozarks should be free to follow the religious tradition on which it was founded. The government can’t strip a private, faith-based institution of its constitutionally protected freedoms because it disagrees with its views about marriage and sexuality.” – College of the Ozarks, February 28, 2023
“He pointed to the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 1993 as an important turning point in addressing government intrusion into the arena of faith and spoke of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA), which created the USCIRF Commission and position of Religious Freedom Ambassador.” – The Christian Post, February 17, 2023
“Evangelicals made history first with 190,000 signatures against the constitution and over 140,000 signatures against the regime’s family code. This is history, but you’re never going to hear about this anywhere.” – Breitbart, February 10, 2023
“Agudath Israel in January launched its KnowUs.org campaign, which includes billboards posted around Manhattan and a website with information disputing the Times’ reporting about various Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish schools.” – Fox News, February 9, 2023
“To give people who work at the Parliament a break to quiet down and practice devotion, the Bible Group organises the weekly Week break. It is open to everyone in Parliament. In addition, the Bible Group aims to support the coping skills of Parliament employees.” – CNE News Christian Network Europe, February 5, 2023
“’Out of all the persons in the world, God chose me,’ Sanders said. ‘For that, I thank Him; for that, I love Him; for that, I magnify Him; for that, I glorify Him; for that, I praise Him; for that, I owe Him. Each and every day, I’m trying to please Him.’” – CBN News, February 3, 2023
“Written by the Religious Freedom Institute, the high school curriculum complies with national social studies standards and consists of five lessons written to supplement U.S. history, world geography, and political science classes. A version for middle school students will be released this year and plans for elementary students are in the works.” – CBN News, February 2, 2023