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“And I said, no, we’re not going to do that. We don’t believe that one citizen’s opinion can force us to remove the Nativity that has been here for decades.” – The Western Journal, December 10, 2022
“‘Bags fly free with Southwest. But free speech didn’t fly at all with Southwest in this case,’ The National Right to Work Legal Foundation (NRTW) quoted the judge’s decision in a press release.” – CBN News, December 9, 2022
“’Colorado is trying to bully a Christian business owner into applauding same-sex marriage or risk the government forcing her out of business,’ Keller said. ‘We’re grateful to Lorie Smith for standing up and our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom for taking the case to the Supreme Court.’” – California Family Council, December 5, 2022
“I’m working with our legal team on our response as we speak. This is the biggest religious liberty case at the Supreme Court in decades. It could settle a constitutional religious liberty battle I’ve been fighting for more than 35 years. The ACLJ will not stand by while your right to prayer is under attack by angry atheists.” – ACLJ, December 1, 2022
“September 2022: The Wyoming Rescue Mission, represented by ADF attorneys, filed a lawsuit against the EEOC for threatening to punish the Mission for exercising its freedom to hire employees who share its Christian beliefs.” – Alliance Defending Freedom, November 29, 2022
Respect for Marriage Act: Why religious liberty deserves protection and my amendment will provide it
“My simple, common-sense amendment would prohibit the federal government from retaliating against any person or group for adhering to sincerely held religious beliefs and moral convictions about marriage.” – Mike Lee U.S. Senator for Utah, November 28, 2022
“Can the government force a Democratic speechwriter to write speeches promoting the Republican Party? Or force an atheist to sing at a church’s Easter service? The answer is a resounding no. Of course not. The government cannot force Americans to promote views they disagree with.” – Alliance Defending Freedom, accessed November 24, 2022
“Vasilis Tsiartas fined over $5K, gets 10 months prison for alleged ‘transphobic’ comments by opposing transing kids.” – The Christian Post, November 14, 2022
In the meantime, the ACLJ will continue its longstanding commitment to defending employees against religious discrimination at work. We have represented a multitude of employees—in and out of court—whose religious beliefs and practices conflicted with an employment-related duty or obligation. The ACLJ has been engaged in cases involving religious discrimination based on an employee’s religious identity; we have also represented employee claims involving the accommodation of the religious beliefs and practices. – ACLJ, November 9, 2022