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“Advocates have argued that the new law makes schools more competitive and enables parents to withdraw their children from low-performing schools.” – Fox News, May 27, 2023
“Of the eight, four states—Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, and Utah—enacted school choice policies that will be available to all K-12 students, joining Arizona and West Virginia in making every child eligible for education savings accounts or ESA-like policies that allow families to choose the learning environments that align with their values and work best for their children.” – The Heritage Foundation, May 17, 2023
“We are going to continue to advocate that every parent, regardless of their zip code, regardless of the street, they live on, the money in their bank account, the color of their skin, the number of kids they have. Whatever it is, parents should be the ultimate decision maker on where their child gets an education.” – Fox News, May 16, 2023
“Ohio’s current school voucher program lets kids who either live near a school building with a low rating from the state or whose family makes less than 250% of the federal poverty line, which is set at $75,000 for a family of four in 2023, take state-funded scholarships to attend private schools.” – Dayton Daily News, May 16, 2023
“Families earning below $75,000 would qualify for a $7,500 tax credit.” – Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, May 15, 2023
“In my district in particular, we have schools with 3% reading proficiency, 3% have obtained math proficiency by the eighth grade. And so to say that this is just how it is and that the kid needs to just suffer these consequences, I don’t agree with that. And I don’t think that all parents agree with that either.” – Fox News, May 15, 2023
“Beyond abortion, Cotham has taken the lead in pushing Republican-backed measures to expand school choice and implement other conservative reforms to education.” – Fox News, May 5, 2023
“The law gives the Palmetto State’s low- and middle-income families the opportunity to apply for a $6,000 voucher for each child for education-related expenses through the Education Scholarship Trust Fund program.” – Fox News, May 4, 2023
“Rep. Tricia Cotham, R-Mecklenburg, and Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland, presented House Bill 823, known as Choose Your School, Choose Your Future to expand the state’s Opportunity Scholarship Program to all students through a tiered system based on income.” – The Circle Square, May 2, 2023