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“The best way to truly secure their right to find the best education for their kid is to allow the funding to follow the child to an institution that best aligns with their values. And at the same time, that would provide competitive pressures for the public schools to focus on the basics, as opposed to indoctrination.” – The Daily Signal, August 18, 2022
“Those fighting for education freedom in Michigan collected 180,000 more signatures than were required, a testament to the hard work of those on the ground fighting for students, and a clear sign that voters want, and families deserve, school choice. Now, it’s up to the legislature to continue putting kids first and expand education freedom and opportunity in Michigan.” – American Federation for Children, August 12, 2022
“The organization has been hosting events to promote school choice as part of a campaign against school closures amid the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘I think it is the single most important domestic issue in this country. School rights is the civil rights issue of the 21st century,’ Cruz told the crowd.” – The Club for Growth, August 12, 2022
“We are a Christian family, and we have raised our family with Christian values and morals,” she says. “HOPE School not only identifies Kyan as a child, but as a child of God. No matter what his behavior, Kyan is a child of God. He is destined and has a purpose.” – School Choice Wisconsin, Accessed August 6, 2022
“A “student-focused” system is something every state should work towards. Arizona got the job done, but desire for school choice extends far beyond its borders. National polling shows that school choice enjoys overwhelming approval (72% vs. 18% opposed) among voters and across party lines, with 68% of Democrats, 82% of Republicans, and 67% of Independents in support. Additionally, recent primary elections in Iowa and Texas show that parents see education as a prime voting issue. The message is clear: Families want educational options.” – American Federation for Children, July 25, 2022
“… it was nonpublic schools—Catholic schools chief among them—that led the way forward in reopening amidst uncertainty. Indeed, while just 43 percent of district schools and 34 percent of charter schools offered in-person learning in September 2020, fully 92 percent of Catholic schools offered in-person learning.” – The Thomas B. Fordham Institute, July 21, 2022
“Once Governor Ducey signs the legislation, every single student in Arizona – even those currently in private schools or homeschool – will have access to $7,000 education savings accounts (ESA). These accounts can be used for private school tuition, online education, education therapies, or tutoring services in accordance with each student’s individual learning needs. This is available to every one of Arizona’s 1.1 million students, without a funding cap or enrollment cap.” – American Federation for Children, July 1, 2022
“Polling from RealClear Opinion Research in June found that a majority support school choice (74% vs. 16% opposed) while 10% are unsure. Broken down by party lines, 83% of Republicans, 69% of Independents, and 70% of Democrats said they strongly or somewhat support school choice.” – Fox News, June 30, 2022
“ESAs, which Goldwater pioneered in Arizona more than a decade ago, put money that would otherwise go toward a given child’s public education into an account that parents can use to customize their child’s education experience to best meet their unique needs. The ESA program has gone from serving 100 students in 2011 to more than 10,000 today, and if Gov. Doug Ducey signs HB 2853 into law, more than one million students will be eligible for the program.” – The Goldwater Institute, June 25, 2022