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May 30 – June 1, 2023 – “Secularism is increasingly antagonistic toward the Christian principles that have served it well in producing a tolerant and generous society. As this antagonism increases, the natural human response to compromise with the culture also increases. But twice the apostle Paul (Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 1:8) tells us to not be ashamed of the gospel or the testimony about our Lord Jesus – because it is the power of God to believers and it is better to suffer for the gospel than prosper in our society.” – Banner of Truth, accessed February 27, 2023
“Or consider one African pastor who met regularly with the president of his nation for Bible study and prayer. The president enlisted the pastor as a close advisor to help him wrestle through how to apply biblical principles in matters of state.” – Desiring God, May 20, 2023
“’It’s where God found me,’ he said. ‘He found me at the cross, where I understood the Gospel, that I needed my sins forgiven and that those sins were paid for by the Son of God. And that through His death and resurrection I would have the opportunity to find eternal life.’” – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, May 13, 2023
“On this trip the team would accompany Empower One Director Chad Vandiver to accomplish three tasks:
- Casting a vision for what a future trip would look like for a full BCM student team during the summer
- Supporting current long-term missionaries with evangelizing
- Helping facilitate a discipleship conference.” – Florida Baptist Convention, May 11, 2023
“CSW is pleased to hear that these Christians have been released on bail, however we call for the outstanding charges against them to be dismissed. It is unacceptable that they were detained for nine months simply for providing Bible and music lessons to an ethnic minority community in a disadvantaged area in China.” – CSW Christian Solidarity Worldwide, May 10, 2023
“‘People need to hear the Good News of God’s love for them. Southern Maryland, a fast-growing region, is no exception. Social and economic issues, cultural and political divides, and existential questions seem to be weighing heavy on hearts at this hour. The ‘God Loves You’ tour could not come at a better moment in time,’ Waldorf, Maryland-based The Church @ St. Charles senior pastor Fred Caudle said.” – Christian Headlines, May 4, 2023
“The theater is part of the academy’s ministry. It exists for the purpose of making faith come alive through storytelling.” – Fox News, May 2, 2023
“Normally, I would have been like ‘you are crazy.’ And I will say there is still a little bit of that. But coming off a summer where I was poured into and encouraged to dream big, to set my goals so far above what I can obtain that they have to be met by the Lord, it was really easy to say, yes.” – CBN News, May 2, 2023
“We are more than thrilled to make this high-quality, Gospel-focused production available to those in prison. Our prayer is that it will impact more lives as it already has the more than 110 million people around the globe who have viewed the series.” – Prison Fellowship, May 1, 2023