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‘”What do you think of your fine husband now?’, and through her sad tears she bravely answered, ‘I ever thought much good of him, and more than ever now.’” – Banner of Truth, May 1, 2023
“When the couple approached Pastor Kim, saying they felt a “holy burden, a calling” to the nations, David was more than excited for Good Community to be their sending church. For the church, this would potentially be the first long-term missionary couple it had sent in its 32 years. David knew that the faithfulness the couple exemplified in the California church would continue on the mission field.” – Baptist Press, May 1, 2023
“’I delivered a devotion on the boat and we sang a song,’ Hendren said. ‘We then stood in silence, coming to the realization that all of these important things that we read about in the Bible happened around the Sea of Galilee.’” – The Villages Daily Sun (Florida), April 29, 2023
“Digital engagement strategies will make it possible to expand their reach even further. They plan to run advertisements on social media and YouTube that will reach the spectators who are only visiting as well as French locals. The ads will link to Scripture resources in the individual’s native language and connect international spectators to missionary teams in their home countries. French Christians will use software to follow up with people who have reached out.” – IMB International Mission Board, April 26, 2023
“We’re right there on the front lines hosting events, doing follow up, having Gospel conversations, building relationships, and working hard to connect everyone we can to a partnering church. We empower the freshmen who get connected during the summer to be leaders among their peers, we empower the older students to step in and have Gospel conversations and establish mentor-type relationships. We fight for all of these students in prayer by asking God to do what only He can do in their lives.” – Arkansas Baptist News, April 25, 2023
“Growing up with a PCA church planter father, Laura Straka knew that when she got to the University of Virginia as a student she could find trustworthy teaching and community at RUF.” – RUF Reformed University Fellowship, April 25, 2023
“Today, the vision of unreached peoples is even more vivid to our souls, the call of the Master rings more clearly in our hearts, and the fixed determination in our lives is to go forward along every path our Lord indicates to us, however high the mountain barriers, or dense the jungle, or barren the desert to be traversed. . . . Someone must tell the waiting tribes about Christ Jesus, God’s only Son and man’s only Savior. — A. C. Snead, Alliance foreign secretary in 1923” – The Alliance, April 21, 2023
April 18, 2023 – “I have one goal: Get the truth of the Gospel to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, as simply as possible, in the power of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God.” – The Christian Post, April 18, 2023
“I’m so grateful to have received my bachelor’s education at Faulkner, and I highly recommend that those looking to get degrees in the CJ or LS field choose Faulkner. God is the Creator of the law. You cannot truly learn about it without His involvement and the permeating influence of His Word.” – Faulkner University, April 17, 2023