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“These highlights don’t cover the full extent of the rich and marvelous collaboration taking place throughout the Synod in forming and recruiting workers in the Lord’s harvest. We give thanks and praise to God that, through us, He raises up workers for His church in the proclamation of the Gospel! Learn more about Set Apart to Serve at lcms.org/sas.” – Reporter, March 10, 2023
“Apologetics is the practice that all Christians are called to be ready with an answer when people ask, why do you think Jesus rose from the grave? Why does God allow evil? How do we know God exists? And other tough questions to the faith.” – Arkansas Baptist News, March 9, 2023
“’When we look back at the history of … our city, it is amazing to have Franklin Graham, government leaders, and Vietnamese people together,’ he said. ‘We can talk about truth. It is beyond our wildest dreams to see the Gospel preached among our people in this city.’” – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, March 5, 2023
“Wherever we are and whatever we do, we let it be known that we’re here for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God gives us these resources. These are His trucks. They’re His semis. It’s His blue tarp. And we have the best volunteers in the world because God brings them to us. This ministry could not exist without you.” – Samaritan’s Purse, February 27, 2023
“But when we have the skills to share our faith, we can do it in a way that is relevant and effective.” – The Christian Index, February 26, 2023
“The ministry’s teaching fellowship, which includes Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Dr. Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, and Derek Thomas, publishes and teaches through Ligonier resources such as Renewing Your Mind and other podcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, books, and hundreds of teaching series. The ministry offers academic degrees through Reformation Bible College, hosts regional, national, and international conferences, offers an online learning community through Ligonier Connect, streams 24-hour Christian internet radio through RefNet, answers biblical and theological questions with Ask Ligonier, leads translation efforts around the world, and publishes thousands of unique resources at Ligonier.org.” – National Religious Broadcasters, February 16, 2023
“We don’t know how it’s going to happen. But we do know this: If we can get materials into Nepal and if we can get materials into Pakistan, we can get materials into China.” – Mission Network News, February 13, 2023
“As I watch the thread that God has been weaving over my life, I can’t explain it away as coincidence or life itself or even science. I have to give the glory to God. When I look at that, I believe that Jesus walked this earth, I believe that He died for our sins and I believe that He rose with all power in His hands.” – Air1, February 13, 2023
“The most important relationship in my life is with Jesus and though I became a Christian at 18 … I am so grateful that God is so patient and so gracious.” – Fox News, February 12, 2023