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“The two-day Festival began Saturday and continued Sunday, ultimately drawing crowds totaling 52,900 to this evangelistic outreach.” – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, February 12, 2023
“They know a lot of people are coming to the Super Bowl… we’ll get together and come celebrate these two teams that are here. But let’s tell you what’s really important in life, share the gospel.” – Fox News, February 10, 2023
“My favorite class so far has been ‘Personal Evangelism’ with Dr. Mark Bishop. Everything we learned in class was applicable to life. In his class we practiced sharing the gospel with someone which made everything we learned more realistic.” (Nick Turner, ’21) – Boyce College, accessed February 10, 2023
“We are excited to increase the reach of Vida Unida and deliver Spanish language programming in South Florida that celebrates Christian values, the Hispanic culture, family, and inspires people to grow in their relationship with Jesus.” – Gospel Music Association, February 8, 2023
“One of the ladies from the restaurant prayed to receive Christ after she received dental care and prayer from the dentist. Now several people from the restaurant attend our Christmas Eve and Easter services every year. The Lord used Farrell and Crystal’s ministry to reach these people and to accomplish Fifth Street’s mission.” – Florida Baptist Convention, February 6, 2023
“We’re not running from Christianity. We’re going to be courageously Christian in what we do.” – The Christian Chronicle, February 6, 2023
“But to have one of those trusted people who’s a Christ follower share Christ on the inside of the culture, that works. God wanted to use me in the community where He had placed me—inside the Sheriff’s Office.” – Navigators, February 6, 2023
“’More than 20 million Ukrainians have heard the Gospel through various social media videos and have had an opportunity to chat through Facebook Messenger with a believer,’ Jacob said. ‘My wife, Elisabeth, has ministered to several Ukrainian ladies who have been able to hear the Gospel and about the love of Jesus.’” – The Baptist Messenger, February 3, 2023
“’The world’s great problem, lostness, is a greater problem today than ever before — literally a greater problem today than it was yesterday,’ he emphasized. ‘As much as it depends on us, we cannot let Southern Baptists remain unaware of the magnitude of this problem nor of the unprecedented opportunities that we have to address this problem with God’s solution, which is the gospel.’” – International Mission Board, February 2, 2023