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“Kennedy was convinced that one of the best means of spreading the gospel was through individual believers — laity trained to share their faith in ways that were accessible, relatable, and compelling.” – byFaith, January 4, 2023
“Geeks may be defined as passionate enthusiasts of specialized niche subjects, such as role-playing games, media fandom, literary genres, or fictional universes such as Lord of the Rings. Both Dallas and Celeste are fluent in sci-fi, Japanese anime, and comic books, which gives them an affinity that empowers them to share the gospel with those who share these interests.” – Assemblies of God, January 4, 2023
“LCMS congregations, summer camps and Recognized Service Organizations across the country will host Servant Events from May through August. Volunteer opportunities — geared toward high-schoolers but open to other ages — range from building trails in Colorado, to doing home maintenance for families in need in Appalachian Ohio, to providing community outreach for refugee children in the Fort Wayne area.” – Reporter, January 4, 2023
“As we have seen the West transition from a positive to a negative view of Christianity over the past 30 years, gospel engagement with non-Christians has changed significantly. Rather than contending with indifference or reasoned arguments, a Christian will often encounter hostility when sharing the gospel. Apologetics is the study of ways to defend the truth of Christianity in a way that also invites the unbeliever into a conversation to consider the truth of the gospel. Christians need to know how to effectively and winsomely engage the most antagonistic opponents of Christianity and their arguments.” – Lancaster Bible College, January 3, 2023
January 2-6, 2023 – “Through the workshops, you’ll be working on your personal testimony, so you can just in a very comfortable way share your own story of how you like what Jesus means to you, and why it matters.’” – Catholic News Agency, November 25, 2022
“’Parents and Christian schools need to teach our kids that the Bible’s not true because we said it’s true. It’s the real science, not the fake science, but the real science that shows it’s true because we’re digging up history,’ Levinson said.” – Liberty University, December 28, 2022
“My views are not the most important thing. I need to remember there is nothing in this world that I want more than to have my grandchildren in heaven with me. It means that I hold my tongue if there’s a political issue that comes up that might produce a rift in the relationship. I’m going to hold my tongue because I want something better for my grandkids, and that is to be in heaven with us.” – World News Group, December 22, 2022
“She hopes that the workmates can know God through these small gifts, and begin to think about their life and faith, so as to turn to Jesus. Inside those bags of Christmas fruit, there is not only some delicious food but also a leaflet to introduce the gospel.’ – China Christian Daily, December 20, 2022
“These resources come from leaders across our church that are accustomed to sharing their faith, but we know that contexts and cultures vary. Our hope is that we can put more resources on the webpage as more ministries share with us evangelism plans and practices that have been helpful in their settings.” – byFaith, December 20, 2022