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“The signs of hope are everywhere. Last year the police estimated that 7,000 people attended the annual March for Life, almost double the estimates for the previous year. Anyone who has been on a March for Life can testify to the fact that there are lots of children, young adults and families taking part. This is not a dying cause.” – The Catholic Herald, May 26, 2023
“It is unthinkable that woke school districts think they can make better choices than parents can. This is why we must stand for parent’s rights, resist divisive woke policies, and stand strong for families in Florida and across America.” – The Lion, May 26, 2023
“Rejecting the horrific practice, Jodie said she was resolved to fight for her daughter. ‘From that moment on, I stopped doing the ‘what ifs’ and just kept going,’ she said.” – Lifenews.com, May 25, 2023
“‘I hold true to my Christian beliefs,’ said Barbieri. ‘[My faith] really pushed me to get out there and do something about it, because I knew if I didn’t, you know, and if nobody else did, what stops this from happening again and again.'” – Fox News, May 25, 2023
“‘Uncritically awarding government officials hundreds of thousands of dollars defeats the purpose of our fundamental civil rights statutes,’ scaring victims of modest means away from filing lawsuits to vindicate ‘vital constitutional protections,’ according to the friend-of-the-court brief signed by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Alliance Defending Freedom, ACLU of Missouri and Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression among others.” – Just the News, May 25, 2023
“Thanks to Sackett v. EPA, the feds can no longer treat a backyard puddle like it’s a lake.” – Reason, May 25, 2023
“The ‘Assassination Classroom’ series is both violent and sexually graphic, and has no business in our children’s schools. We hope that other counties around the state will follow Osceola’s lead and ensure that this book series, along with any other age inappropriate materials, are not available to children in our school’s libraries.” – Citizens Defending Freedom, May 24, 2023
“I don’t have a problem with any of these people — I mean we’re all Americans, right? But when they force their stuff on us — that’s the whole thing.” – Breitbart, May 22, 2023
“The government and large credit card companies should not have the power to shut off access to your hard-earned money because they disagree with your politics.” – The Christian Post, May 19, 2023