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“Trump said he and his team have done a lot of policy thinking since Roe was overturned and said he could embrace the creation of an adoption corps that would get parents pre-approved to adopt babies from women weighing whether or not to have an abortion. Tax breaks, he said, could create incentives for both the birth mother and prospective adoptive parents.” – Just the News, May 23, 2023
“The Truth Community is finding Truth to be an ideal platform for issues beyond politics, including launching #1 songs. We also have several big innovations lined up for 2023, so we expect user growth and activity to continue the current positive trajectory.” – Just the News, May 1, 2023
“’Justice For All,’ is a tribute to the January 6 prisoners that features the ‘J6 Prison Choir,’ an ensemble of prisoners who can be heard singing the national anthem while Trump recites the Pledge of Allegiance.” – Breitbart, March 11, 2023
In th”e months after the election, half the country agreed. A year after the election, only one-third thought that President Joe Biden’s victory was legitimate. And in a Rasmussen Reports survey from a few months ago, 55% of voters said they believe the election was riddled with cheating and ‘likely affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.'” – The Washington Examiner, March 9, 2023
“As tariffs on foreign producers go up, taxes on American producers will go down and go down very substantially, and that means a lot of jobs coming in. Not only will this system end our gaping trade deficits – and they are massive right now – and bring back millions of American jobs, it will also bring trillions and trillions of dollars pouring into the United States Treasury from foreign countries and allow us to invest that money in American workers, American families, and American communities.” – Breitbart, February 27, 2023
“As the former president and 2024 presidential candidate walked over to them, some yelled, ‘We love you,’ and ‘Thank you for coming!’” – Breitbart, February 23, 2023
“I will deploy a team of warrior lawyers to hunt down every unnecessary regulation in the federal registry that hampers domestic production and we will wipe them off the books. We will again get out of Paris and we will rapidly issue approvals for all worthy energy infrastructure projects with a focus on maximum speed to bring prices down rapidly. So get those proposals ready now, because we are going to put thousands of Americans to work, building the power plants, pipelines, grids, ports, refineries and shipping terminals of tomorrow.” – Breitbart, February 9, 2023
‘First, within hours of my inauguration, I will sign an executive order banning any federal department or agency from colluding with any organization, business, or person to censor, limit, categorize, or impede the lawful speech of American citizens. I will then ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as “mis-” or “disinformation.” And I will begin the process of identifying and firing every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship, directly or indirectly, whether they are the Department of Homeland security, the Department of Health and Human Services, the FBI, the DOJ — no matter who they are.” – Breitbart, December 15, 2022
“‘On Jan 7 [2021],’ Shellenberger wrote, Twitter executives ‘create[d] justifications to ban Trump … [sought] a change of policy for Trump alone, distinct from other political leaders’ and ‘…express[ed] no concern for the free speech or democracy implications of a ban.'” – Just the News, December 10, 2022